To most small woodland creatures a 70lb pit bull would probably be one of the last things they would want to come across and would flee the first chance they got. This is not so with the 7lbs of pure mayhem that is Lily "The Crazy Lady" Munster. I was in the back yard a couple weeks ago with the dog Thor when the pit bull got loose from the field and came streaking across the yard. I instantly grabbed Thor and took him inside for his safety even though all he wanted to do was play with the dog. As I was taking Thor inside I saw Lily come stalking down the driveway in her Cat battle stance straight at the animal that's more than ten times her size and all I could think of was how I hope It doesn't kill Lily. I went back outside as soon as I put Thor inside to find the Pitbull come running down the driveway towards the backyard with Lily no more than five feet behind. The dogs owner finally grabbed him by the collar to try and control him yet it did nothing to stop the fighting machine that is Lilian. She slowly approached with all her hair standing till she was about three feet away and she pounced at the pit bull and swatted him at least six times before bouncing back off him to the ground then back to him repetitively with multiple unanswered strikes each time. Within twenty seconds she had unleashed a flurry of claws that left the pit bull dazed and bleeding profusely from the nose and face before she finally backed off enough for me to get between them and luckily she let it end at that. The lesson I learned from this little confrontation is that size is only a small factor and a superior mindset and will to fight can beat anything life can throw at you.
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