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This Dog Thor

This dog Thor is the type of dog who will chase anything,funny kitten,another dog,just wanting to play.If it looks like it might run,then this could be loads of fun.Thor thinks that i`m crazy kitten,just crazy enough to make him wish he stayed home. Ha!Ha! I can jump on your back and there`s nothing you can do about it,your a dog! I become a wildly funny kitten every time this dog Thor shows up at my house.I will bounce all over him,jumping straight up in the air,flipping over backward,landing on my feet,then I grabbed a big mouth full of Thor`s back leg,he never saw that one coming. Thor ran so fast I thought I would never catch up with him.Thanks for my human always closing the door,catching him was simple.Then I laid one more good bite on him,and hung on for my life. Boy can this dog Thor run,rounding the corner to living room,I lost my grip. So the chase was on again,I jumped into the air and landed right on Sir Slobbherlot,that makes crazy kitten wish she`d not done that.He is big,and he hits hard.So this dog Thor will pay for me doing something so dumb,call me crazy kitten if you want. When I`m in need of some wrestling,turning for Thor with a look on my face that shows him I mean business! My ears back,tail puffed up,back hunched,lots of teeth and claws,you could say scary kitten. I give him all I was worth that day my friend,but it was not enough,his age,size,wit,cunning,and shear power,overcame me,like the water in the pool,"what the!". This dog Thor is my friend for life,he watched my birth,and has watched me grow up to play. I know he`s glad I live across town,not in the same house with him.Why he gets beat down just two or three times a week,that`s all the more we see of each other.I must go Thor is here again,Yeahaw! See you soon!Thanks for reading this blog.check in for more funny stories.

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