KrazyKitty made it outside to The big Backyard to surprise Teige(Sir Slobber)into next year,it worked. He quickly found a place up where she can not get to yet,give her two more mouths she be there. Today I came into the room to find her on top the cookie jars,she jumped off them tipping over some of them. I think its time to make her understand not to get up on the self,I scared her good. Two hours later she was still scared of me,trying to pet her did not work,she ran and hid under the bed.KrazyKitty is only about three mouths old,but moves like she a lot older. Jumps out from behind what ever is handy at that time,to grab the back of your leg. The kind of thing that can freak you out of your mind when she draws blood,trips you to the floor screaming in pain.Watching a two pound Kitty tackle my girlfriend is funny to me,but not to her. She does this flipping thing,no reason it would ever be helpful in a fight with another cat. Sure in my own mind, she will be showing me soon how she thinks it will work. Watch for upcoming videos of KrazyKtty in Crazy Stunts,Funny Flips.Read or Rite short funny crazy cat,kitty stories. Please take time to view my other sites,Thank you for viewing this blog.