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Pets Need our Help

    When the stories of pets abuse make into the headline news, that another pet owner is taken into custody for the cruelty, they put their pets through.  Abuse to pets is not acceptable in my book and those doing wrong to pets should have stiffer fines and longer jail time.  The pets left behind have hard enough time in life, now they have to find a new home and loving family to treat them right!  So, if you think you can fill the bill then contact one of the links.  
  We have recently received a dog from the humane society on an adoption program. We named him Rusty and he sure loves us, this makes me feel good that I helped an animal find love and a great home.  Rusty enjoying some time with his new friend Duke. Rusty is trying very hard to be good so we will continue to love him and not treat him Poorly. 

    This is the kind of life he has always wanted and now for the rest of his Life he will have all the love he needs.  Thank You for reading Lilly's cat blog. Please, become a follower.


Removel of ear mites

  The way to remove ear mites from cat is to use the info in this article! Done 4 all 2 read would like to help, those who love their Cats and want them to live a long healthy and happy life! The only way this could happen is for the cat community to pull together and share Cat health stories! when the stories are shared then we all benefit from the experience of others and their Cats! Done 4 all 2 read will surf the net to find more info and pet health and care of Pets!  Please return to this blog and we will try to keep up to date information on pet health Care. the story's I find and post could possibly Be your story when submit them to this blog, Done 4 all 2 read! Thank you for the time to spent reading this!

What a Tail

What a Tail
Is that thing mine

Krazy Cat

Krazy Cat
I can sleep anywhere

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